Our Services

We provide all services related to registration, marketing & promotion, distribution and licensing of pharmaceutical products.

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Marketing & Promotion

Marketing campaigns are designed and managed in close collaboration with our clients. They are based on the specific requirements of the product portfolio and the different markets. Market analysis and data collection is essential to advise clients on potential market size, competitors, pricing policy and general product strategy. We access various sources such as databases of private providers and governmental agencies, associations, importers, expert opinions, etc.

Marketing activities include the private sector as well as hospitals and governmental organizations/tender market. We decide on the appropriate channels, advise our clients on the necessary size of sales force to sell a particular portfolio, ensure training of our medical representatives in close collaboration with our clients, design and conduct marketing campaigns, determine target segments of key opinion leaders, doctors and/or pharmacies, organize sampling, and ensure continuing medical education via round-tables, seminars and conferences. One of our success factors is field force managment and the segmentation of the markets.

Via our sales & distribution department we have access to all data related to local sales and are thus able to provide our clients with regular updates on the success of our efforts. Our marketing staff at headquarters is in constant contact with our local marketing teams and manufacturers . They regularly visit the markets and ensure knowhow transfer from manufacturers/headquarters to the markets.

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